Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good Bye Winter!!

Its almost time to say "Good-Bye Winter!" Here in Wisconsin, its a happy time, the days are getting longer, the snow is melting and the temps are above freezing!! In fact, the temps were up to the mid-40's!!

Next Friday, I leave for my annual Florida vacation. This time though my son and his girlfriend are also going with me. I am quite use to traveling by myself, especially if I am flying. If you are wondering why, its quite simple, the husband refuses to fly. He has never flown and has no desire to fly. So there was only one thing for me to say, "See you when I get back honey!"

My mom and dad are in Florida right now for a couple of months, so each March I usually fly down to spend a week with them. Even though our winter is almost over, its still a fun time to get out of the long pants and sweatshirts and wear shorts and t-shirts!

With that in mind I cased this card, I loved it so much and felt it was definitely fitting! Hope you enjoy it!

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